Documentary |
"Antyaja Kaal:The TimeTravel of FolkDrama"
Running time:
33:46 mins
Production year:
Rating: TV-PG
Director : Amitava Halder
Writer: Amitava Halder and Kollorob
Actors or Actress: Live Cast
After the Turkish invasion, Brahmanism came to an end.
Historically, the responsibility of country, protection of life and religion,is imposed in the hands of the Baseborn.
The Social Reunion, The divine cultivation of life beyond all the caste,religion, ages.
The Folk Tradition which can't be sold, can't be nabbed from the Baseborn society.
As they cultivate the culture in Genealogical way, by their hearts,
bloods and lastly to fulfill their hobby being down and bowing to the
Award of excellence in summer 2022 of