Author:Christine Oliva-Castillo
(631) 796-0378
"You Are What You Love"
Based on True Events, a young lesbian caught in the opioid epidemic finds herself entangled in a love triangle, struggling to navigate the interplay between intense pain and profound love, and to know if either can offer the healing she is desperate to find.

Leah: A young, vibrant woman in her struggle against opioid addiction. Her journey is a testament to resilience and survival, shaped by her complex relationships and the need for self-acceptance.

Junie: Leah’s girlfriend, whose love and commitment are tested amid Leah’s addiction. Junie’s own journey is one of discovery and difficult choices.

Maggie: Leah’s best friend, struggling with OCD, and a central figure in the love triangle. Maggie’s own journey of self-discovery and acceptance intertwines deeply with Leah’s story.
Gab: Leah’s older sister, pragmatic and nurturing. She represents the family’s strength and unwavering support for Leah.
The narrative chronicles Leah’s harrowing journey through addiction, love, and betrayal. As Leah struggles with her dependency on opioids, her relationships with Junie and Maggie are put to the test. The story unveils the emotional and psychological toll of addiction, not only on Leah but also on Junie and Maggie, who each battle their own inner demons and societal pressures.

In a poignant twist, the love triangle reaches its apex as Junie leaves Leah for Maggie, driving Leah to the brink of despair. This betrayal becomes a catalyst for Leah’s transformation, as she finds strength in her pain and love for them, using it as a force to propel her towards healing.
Act 1: Facing the Addiction
The story opens with Leah grappling with opioid addiction’s grasp. Junie, her girlfriend, supports her through recovery’s initial stages, their bond strained under the weight of Leah’s struggle. Simultaneously, palpable tension between Junie and Maggie hints at unresolved feelings and a deeper undercurrent in their relationship. Scenes highlighting the wider impact of the opioid crisis on the queer community and the trio’s interactions therein set the emotional tone of the story.
Act 2: The Struggle and Betrayal
As Leah bravely navigates her path to recovery, her deep commitment to stay clean for Junie and Maggie underscores her journey. However, an unseen twist of fate occurs as Junie and Maggie find solace in each other’s arms, leading to a secret, passionate affair. The revelation of this relationship becomes a turning point for Leah, who, despite the heartbreak, remains steadfast in her sobriety. Leah’s undying love for them becomes her anchor, demonstrating the complex interplay between love, pain, and addiction.
Act 3: Confrontation and Moving Forward
In the wake of betrayal, Leah finds strength in her newfound independence, focusing on her recovery and self-growth. However, the past resurfaces when Leah and Maggie reconnect, admitting long-suppressed feelings for each other. Their ensuing affair, though filled with genuine emotion, is overshadowed by their history. When Junie discovers their relationship, she is unable to reconcile, leading to a permanent rift. The story culminates with Leah, now alone but empowered, embracing her journey, acknowledging the indelible impact of love and pain on her life.
Final Scene:
The story ends poignantly as Leah, now firmly on the path of self-discovery and independence, drives away from the past that once defined her. A symbolic scene with three halcyon birds resting on a wire in suburban backyard captures the essence of the story. As the bird take flight, signifying freedom and the embrace of the unknown, the strains of “You Are What You Love” by Jenny Lewis play, marking the end of Leah’s transformational journey.

Script hall of fame on,
Official Selection with the Toronto Female Film Festival for March 2024
Festival, Honorable Mention New York Screenwriting Awards,
Platinum LGBTQ-Unbordered Film Festival