"Coming Out Straight"

Author: Frank (Cubed) Hernandez

Authors contact email: frankcubed3@gmail.com
Author’s webpage URL:

Coming Out Straight (treatment)
Sam Manning and Erin Walters live in a country where babies are bred in backpacks, unicorns roam the range and being straight is not only illegal but considered the greatest of sin. And like most human beings they’ve been seeking out love with no success.

So, by the aggressive insistence of friends and family they join a dating app that features no photos and a glowing endorsement from The First – the nations commander, chief and religious leader.

The app and all its arithmetic algorithms get to work. And through a possible binary bungle sends Sam a man and Erin a woman on a blind date. And through some cosmic irony, they have a great time. So great of time, that they decide to embark on a relationship that must be kept secret at all costs or be publicly executed in the Stadium of Righteousness.

Awards Won

Rhodium Award for the LGBTQ Unborderd International Film Festival, 2024

Page Turner Screenplays Quarter Finalist